
The Battlefield 1 Pitch Was Initially “Totally Rejected” By EA

The initial Battlefield 1 pitch from developer Die was "totally rejected" by EA at first glance.

While the trailer is now the about-watched trailer in EA history, EA Executive Vice President, Patrick Söderland, wasn't convinced that the World War ane setting would appeal players. According to Söderland, a game focused on trench war, couldn't mayhap "be fun to play".

"It wasn't the most obvious option," the Söderland said at the EA Investor Day briefings recently. "When the team presented to me the idea of World War i I absolutely rejected it. I said 'World War 1 is a trench war, it can't be fun to play'."

The Dice development team persisted though, and actually convinced the EA executive that the Globe War 1 setting was the right management for the next Battlefield.

"The squad continued and persisted in the fact that this can be fun, and showed upwards with a very short demo that convinced me at least that this was the right path. The good news is whenever you take creative risks and it works, you actually can get to substantial success", Söderland said.

Judging from the reactions to the Battlefield ane reveal, the World War 1 setting resonates strongly with players, but Söderland points out that merely a single trailer has been shown, and that it'south vital that they will deliver on Battlefield 1's total promise.

"I retrieve that the Earth State of war 1 theme is resonating with players out in that location, I call back nosotros have done something that volition be right for the franchise and right for EA [but] we take to remember that so far we've only shown one trailer, and yes it's gotten a lot of success, just what's of import is now we have to get back and make sure we deliver on the full promise of what Battlefield can exist - and that we volition practice", the EA exective pointed out.

Battlefield is scheduled for a release on October 21 for PC, Xbox One, and PS4.


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